Too late to give up!

no way, to give up, self-abandonment-3955912.jpg

Today is a brand-new day, offering us new opportunities to do a lot. Depending on your area of interest, you can continue what you have started or you can start something new. For some people, starting is not the problem, they can conveniently start up three to four different projects at a time, with the ability to concentrate fully on the separate tasks. The problem with many people including those that focus on one project at a time is the inability to sustain that vision through challenging times.

The easiest and most convenient thing to do then is, give up. Unfortunately, this is what many people do when they face challenges in life, in business, or in the course of their work. Before you give up, think of the strides you have made, think of the excitement, the passion you had when you first started, if you can call up that memory and what your goal was when you started, it may galvanize you to push through challenging times. Why is this necessary? Well, because it is important to realize that there is hardly anything in life that comes easy, one or two people may have it easy, but the vast majority of people don’t get it easy. So, if you want to record success in any endeavour at all, you have to be resilient, dogged, and ready to face any challenges along the way.

Congratulations sound so good and I know you would like to be congratulated. Just remember that before all the congratulatory messages people usually receive, there were countless tears, uncertainties, and many failures encountered before the success people now celebrate. As I pointed out earlier, the easiest thing to do is to give up; however, though giving up may look like the easier way out, in the long run, you realize it is the costliest of all. Just pause and ponder for a moment, what would have happened if the Thomas Edisons of this world gave up along the way, your guess is as good as mine. Just imagine what your little project could do for people in the long run. So, before you give up, think again!

Don’t forget the “successful” people of this world are just ordinary people like you and me, many of them had a similar background to yours, yet they were not deterred. With determination and great focus, they conquered their fears and limitations. You too can be anything you want to be if you set your mind to it!

Have a fruitful week!

N/B -You deserve a beautiful life, click this to learn how to live life beautifully.

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