Three weeks to Christmas-what you need to know.

It’s three weeks to Christmas. It’s that time of the year with a lot of both planned and unplanned activities. It’s also a spending season. A lot of travelling, shopping, sight seeing is currently ongoing. I can tell you for real that if you do not consciously plan this season, you may end up with a huge debt by January. So the first key to staying afloat financially this season is to put away certain funds to an account you do not have easy access to. The second is to budget for your necessaries, your gifts and your left overs.
Keeping a budget for this month will help you not to make spontaneous decisions that may affect your finances. It also helps to give you a clearer thought on how to have a smooth January ride. What are your plans for this holiday season? Can you afford it without any help from someone? These questions are vital, this is because in Nigeria, some people plan their expenditure based on monies that they are yet to receive. What if something comes up  and you do not receive that cash you are expecting, can your present financial circumstances foot the expenses you intend to make? If yes, then go ahead, if no, think of ways to cut down your budget.
Discussing finances sometimes may not be what some people are used to, but, to be a responsible adult, the issue of your finances and what lifestyle you can afford should be one of the top items on your list. The purpose of this write up is to intervene, before you go on that spending spree. I hope I have been able to achieve that.
Do have a wonderful week.

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