
It is a very good feeling when you know you are at the top of your game, when you eventually reap the fruit of your labour. While feeling proud of your achievements and enjoying the euphoria of success, do not forget to learn important life lessons from that experience. Let us consider the possibility of learning not just from our mentors or successful people but from ourselves, it doesn’t matter how minute that success may be. Once a milestone, however little is reached in your chosen endeavor, celebrate it and give yourself a thumbs up while strategising on how you can conquer more grounds.
Our current world is designed sometimes to make you feel that you are not doing enough or that hard work doesn’t really pay. This makes some people ignore the little achievements they make everyday at work, in school etc. It makes one ungrateful and continuously dissatisfied. I believe that is one of the recipes for depression which seems to have found a place in our generation going by the rampant cases of suicide. There may be a thousand and one things that are not working exactly they way you want them to work in your life, but I believe there are still little successes you achieve every time that you may have ignored just because the big projects are yet to work out.
Lets learn to take life easy, one step at a time. Adopt a thankful stance in every thing you do in life. For those successful ventures you had, what was it about the project that made it happen so well, could you replicate that same process in other activities you are undertaking? Where those same strategies do not work out, then it’s time to take a little break, don’t beat yourself up over it, rather, plan again. It is not time for undue comparisons with what your mates have supposedly achieved, it is time to look inwards and avoid the temptation of prolonged unhappiness over the project.
Its a new week, the last in February 2020, let us make it count and thank God for our little milestones.

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