How viable are my plans

Entrepreneurship seems to be the big thing these days. I often hear of people who resigned from their 9 to 5 jobs,  just to go on their own journey of becoming big time entrepreneurs. Some of the reason given by these set of people is that they are tired of the routine life, being answerable to a boss, having a set income every month and all that. Honestly, I think doing your own thing is just wonderful. I mean being able to determine your pace, being the key decider of a venture is a good experience, most especially when you have started off and you have everything working according to plan. But what happens when everything decides to go out of plan, that’s where the real problem sets in, and that is the focus of our discussion this week.
Having a back up plan in everything you do in life saves you a lot of heartache, be it in business, in career, or in any venture you wish to go into. Always have a plan B or even a plan C as the case may be. It may sound good to start a new business venture, but is it the right step to take at that particular point in time? The buzz about a thing may make it sound fashionable to follow the bandwagon, but before you take that step, ask yourself whether you are truly prepared to take that journey. Full preparation means having back up plans, where the original plan fails to work out. It is good to be an entrepreneur, there are many perks to it. There are also the downsides, and those are the ones you should concentrate on devising means to battle out.
It’s a new week, you may have set out your plans for the week, ask yourself deep questions about the viability of your plans ( both long and short term plans) and devise ways of ensuring you succeed in any task you have set out to do.
Have a fruitful week.

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