
Happy New Month! Yea, it’s the last month of the first
quarter of 2020. We barely said happy new year just yesterday. As the year
keeps advancing, that’s how our years on earth advances. So, lets do some bit
of mind checking. What happened to your resolutions for the year? At what stage
are you in achieving that goal? Are you even still working on them? If
everything is working as you planned, a big kudos to you. If there are hitches,
are they self-imposed or circumstance-imposed? Whatever is your case, how do
you plan to move past this hindrance.
The topic of our discussion is not about how to achieve
new year resolutions, it’s simply about how we can make out the best out
of every difficult situation or in the converse, how we can move from a position
of disadvantage to an advantageous position. Sometimes, the clog in the wheel of
our progress is simply, not knowing how to recover from setbacks or hitches
in the course of our works or anything we set to achieve. One of the first
steps to take when you encounter dead-ends in the cause of your carefully
planned idea or work is to take a short break from that work. If you continue
to try that project, you may lose your whole energy, being frustrated and
stressed out. Just take a little break and then go back to that work and look
at it from the beginning. Where the hitches are not within your control, try
alternative sources.
Secondly, get an expert to critically look at your plan,
especially where you have tried out all the methods you know and it’s still not
working. One of the advantages of consulting people who know more than you is
that, they are more likely to see what you are not seeing, they are more likely
to give you a dispassionate assessment of your work. Consult one anytime you
Finally, doing the work to succeed in any given project is
not an easy task, your desire to succeed
should be able to surpass any hitch you may experience in
the course of your work. Channel all your energies into surpassing your
difficulties and you may just get that desired result this time around.
See you at the top!

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