Style of presentation

It is not enough to seek
permission from someone i.e. superior authority before taking any action,
ensure that you get the approval you seek. This is especially necessary if you
work in hierarchical organization that requires the stamp of approval of a senior
officer before certain actions are taken. What some people do is that they seek
permission just to fulfill all righteousness and still go ahead to do what they
really wanted to do. 

Creativity and innovation is what
every company wants from its employees. So the more result-focused you are the
more you are likely to help your organization meet its needs. Some people
complain that the bureaucracy in their work place sometimes limits them from
taking steps that could launch their organization to greater heights. Whilst this
may be true in certain situations, it is not always the case. This structures
are usually put in place to ensure proper checks and control. To truly realize
your objectives, no matter how disruptive from the norm your ideas may be,
learn how to carry your superiors along. Sell your vision to them, break it
down, when you present convincing data to your superiors, it would be difficult
for them not to give you the go-ahead to execute your ideas. We are in the information
era, every organization thrives on innovation, no serious company will turn
down an opportunity to scale-up its out-put, rather you should learn how to
sell those ideas to the decision makers in your work place.

Selling yourself or ideas is a
subject that has not been given the much attention it deserves. No matter how
good your ideas are, if you are unable to use the right words or innuendos to
convey your thoughts no one would buy your idea. So as you plan your next big
project, remember to pay attention to your manner of presentation. Don’t forget
to apply this to other aspects of your life.

Have a beautiful week. 

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