Spread love

Let’s share ideas together, do things
together and love one another. At this time of the year, there is a tendency to
think more about ourselves than others, but let’s not fall into that temptation. I know there might be days when you just wish to forget about everyone and do your
thing, I feel that way sometimes too, but I have come to realise that the lives
we share with our communities are to be more treasured than when we walk the
path of life alone. 
It’s a new year, the kids are
going back to school after the holiday, a lot of other January responsibilities are also there. This means
that more bills are to be paid this season just after the holiday. Just
remember, before thinking about the bills, think about the good you received
this season without paying for them. For instance, the gift of good health, a
loving family, a caring community etc. There are more things to be thankful for,
and that, is the purpose of my write up today, to remind us that we should be
thankful for what we have. While being thankful, don’t forget that family that
needs help, one you can afford to give. Do not also forget those that need just
the right words to push through whatever season of life they are going through.
Most importantly, do not forget to prepare yourself for the new year.
In summary, I just wanted to
remind us not to concentrate so much on our personal affairs, but to look out
for another. Let’s learn to live in love and spread love.
I wish you the best of this

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