Have you ever taken an action in
which you wish that given a second chance you would do something totally
different? Asides the regret for that act, sometimes we realise that we
can’t really control some of their effects. We can only regret and wish we could
turn back the hands of time to act differently.
As you go about your daily
activities, remember to watch your steps and actions to avoid regrets. Avoid
taking rash decision when emotions are high. If possible, take a deep breath
before taking that decision to retaliate or punish your “offender”. We might
not be totally able to avoid actions we might regret, but as much as it lies
within your power, avoid taking decision that may be detrimental to you or
another person. When you are not at peace with a certain decision you are about
to make then pause and think again before going that route.
Let’s control the happenings of
our week especially with regard to taking decisions or acting in manners that
will push us on to that regret road.

May this week be fruitful for you.

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