It is in stages

There are several stages to pass
before one eventually attains adulthood. Starting from being a baby, to a
child, then to a teenager and eventually an adult. If nature has structured the
human life to pass through these stages, perhaps it might be a little pointer
to the fact that several things in life comes in stages. You will have to
complete a stage before you move on to the next one, you can’t jump the gun.
For instance, for every professor you see is one who has passed through many
years of training from the primary school to the years of studying at tertiary
institutions and this also applies to many other things in life.

You might actually be at the very
beginning of a new life pattern, a course, a project or anything and I can
assure you that sometimes the beginning is the hardest. Do not allow
discouragements or disappointments to lure you away from that decision. Once
you begin, keep pushing, with persistence you will eventually get to the very
end of that activity. We all look forward to a specific season of rest, success
and so on, but sometimes these only comes to us when we have patiently undergone
the necessary process that guarantees such end. What are you doing to ensure
that you reach your desired end result?  Remember
that persistence and hard work is a necessary ingredient to attain that result. Do not be afraid to take the necessary steps to achieve your aim, be
patient, try and enjoy the process too and with time you will eventually get to
your destination.

It is still a new year; I know
most people have drawn up their plans for the year. While this is good, focus on
the process of achieving that goal, where you perceive you may have made a
wrong decision, be bold to admit the mistakes and make the required changes.

As you go out this week, put your
best foot forward and try to enjoy your current stage in life while bearing in
mind that it is a necessary step for the type of future you desire.

Have a good week!


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