Effective Leadership

Have you ever been in a situation
where everyone expects you to lead, or be the one with the solution to
something and you have no idea what to do? How do you address the people trusting
you to lead them or at least give them a reassurance over something you don’t
know how to handle without ruining your reputation or failing to give them some
form of assurance?

Effective communication is an
art, it is learned. The people you admire as possessing oratory prowess did not
just start off speaking so well, the worked on their communication skills,
their interpersonal skills and gave a lot towards improving themselves every
day. There is a way to tell someone, “I don’t have any idea about this or “I
can’t help you” and the person does not leave totally forlorn or feeling
hopeless about a situation. Being in a position where people expect you to lead
does not connote that you must have an answer to all their questions, it does
not also mean that you know the perfect way to lead them aright, it means that
you know how to look for those answers even if not immediate; and those group
of people trust you enough to wait for you to get those answers.

Leadership in any field of life
demands that the leader must be a good communicator. The way you communicate your
knowledge or lack of it over a particular subject determines how much impact
you make on your followers. If you are the head of an organization, just a
wrong body language may get your staff riled up enough to fail to deliver on organizational
goals. How you also respond in times of crisis matters a lot, no matter how hopeless
a situation is, try to muster enough will power to get all your followers work
towards surmounting that challenge.

It’s a new day, the very first in
February 2021; learn how to lead effectively. You will marvel at the rate of
success you will record if you consciously work on your communication skills as
a leader.

Have a good week!

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