Deal with your weakness.

If you have taken up a responsibility
to do anything at all, see to it that you deliver on that job/work. You may
encounter problems in the course of working on that project, such problem shouldn’t
stop you from completing that task. As long as you have accepted to do that
work, be diligent and do not look for excuses to resile from that duty.

Until people start being held
accountable for failures to deliver on any work given to them, they will
continue to handle responsibilities with levity. If you are made to account for
funds entrusted to you or any other responsibility you have undertaken, there
are chances that you would take care of that responsibility well. If you live
your life with the mindset that you won’t disappoint people that have entrusted
any form of responsibility to you, what you don’t realise is that you have invariably
given yourself a mandate to succeed against all odds.

Handling responsibilities well
starts with taking care of yourself, those small to-do-list,
etc. These small everyday habit prepares you for bigger responsibilities
when the opportunity presents itself. As long as you are determined to be
forward minded and result oriented, you will find it hard to abandon a task
simply because you encountered some difficulties. As a matter of fact, nothing in
life comes easy, there are bound to be some form of unforeseen circumstances
which may be a stumbling block to what you intend to achieve. Whilst a strong
willed person may address the problem, a differently oriented person may see
that as a perfect excuse to abandon the work. Know your temperament and look
for support systems around you if you belong to the latter. Do not allow your
weaknesses deter you from reaching your goals or being result-oriented.

Do have a good week! 

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