Change the only constant factor

There are a lot of mysteries on
earth. Some of the things that were tagged “mysteries” in time past has been
demystified by science and technology, a lot more will be demystified as the years
go on.
 As seasons change, some questions
about anything in life can come up, with these questions, there will always be
an attempt to bring answers or solutions to any problems raised in those
questions. Recently, the world experienced this mysterious pandemic “COVID 19”
but after several researches were done, some of its ‘mysteries” are now known.
We now know how to manage the virus, some likely cures etc.

Change is the only constant thing
in life, whatever you may consider as being impossible to you, may with time,
maturity and proper understanding no longer be an impossible thing for you.
Once there is growth, there is bound to be change in a previously held dogma, or
better sympathy to people who you may have regarded as being less deserving of
your sympathy. Life constantly throws you with surprises, things that will make
you question yourself, opinions you held in time past. When this happens, allow
yourself to be thought by life. Holding on to a belief that is no longer true
due to new facts that you have come in constant with is simply refusing to grow
thereby refusing to adapt to change.

Are all changes necessary? You
may have bad experiences, like breach of trust from loved ones or people you
hold in high esteem, but these kind of experiences should not convert you into
who you are not. Rather, learn to deal with people but with more circumspect; continue
to be kind and good to people and do not allow negative experiences change you

It is another new week, time to
push out the old and embrace the new. Do not be afraid of changes that may
happen, rather accept them as part of what happens when a human being is alive.

Have a fruitful week!

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