As we approach the holiday season

We are gradually approaching the
holiday weeks. A lot of people have started their Christmas shopping; others may
still wait until the very last minute to buy what they need for this season. Anyway,
whether you are an early shopper or a dying minute shopper, the fact remains
that you have to make out time to select and buy things for you and your
loved ones. If you are working on a tight budget, you do not have to put yourself
into pressure of buying something this season, you can always postpone your
gift giving to a time more convenient for you.

Welcome to the second week of the
month of December 2021. I do not know what you may have planned for the week,
whatever it may be remember to make room for unplanned activities which may
crop up anytime. Always take it easy, one step at a time. For some people this
is a pressure filled season, for some it is simply a season of relaxation. Whatever
it may be for you, remember to take care of your mental health. Do not overwork
yourself, try to delegate duties if you can. When the pressure is too much,
take out some minutes to block out everything and unwind, when you feel better,
go back to the tasks and complete it. Some people do not know how to absorb pressure,
some claim to be at their best when in extreme pressure and tight schedules.
Whatever works for you do it, just take care of yourself so you do not break

Lastly, make out time to contact your
loved ones this season, it doesn’t have to be a physical visit, a voice call, a
video call, a text is okay, especially as we continue to maintain social
distancing during this pandemic period.

Do have a great week!  

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