As the year winds down

It’s the last week of the year
2020. Most offices are closed for the holiday, some of the open ones are
operating minimally. It’s a period of sober reflection for people and this usually
comes with mixed feelings. Feelings of satisfaction and gratitude for big wins,
regrets for unaccomplished ones and mistakes made, and further plans for the
new year.

Very soon, the new year tradition
will begin. By new year tradition I mean “new year resolutions”. I don’t believe
in new year resolutions; some people break these resolutions even before the
end of the first quarter of the year. I believe we should live our lives
constantly reflecting on the steps we have taken and the ones we need to take.
Where there are habits to be dropped, then that decision should be taken
immediately, you do not need a new year to make that decision. What you need to
do is to make sure you are constantly improving yourself and your skills. There
is nothing wrong with a “new year resolution”, my problem with the idea is that
people may delay taking critical life changing decisions just because they
think such major change should wait until the new year to form part of their “new
year resolutions.” Other than that, changes no matter the title used once
necessary for your general well-being should be made as soon as you recognize the
need for that change.

As the year winds up in a few
days, remember not to be too harsh on yourself. Work consciously on your
dreams, re-strategise if your current approach is not producing your desired
result. Ask questions, take correction, do your research and don’t be afraid to
do what ought to be done. Remember it’s still a holiday season, while
self-analysing your “2020”, do not forget to enjoy the season and spread love.

Have a lovely week. 

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