A beautiful week

 It’s the week of Christmas,
barely four days to the 25
th of December 2020. This season is generally
filled with lots of shopping, gift giving, travelling, family gatherings and a
whole lot of busy activities. It is a yearly ritual, sometimes detested by the
participants, while some actually do enjoy the busy atmosphere. I will like to
celebrate my Christmas a bit differently this year, I am grateful to be alive
and healthy, my family is doing fine and I have many reasons to be thankful in
this 2020 pandemic year.

This season for me calls for a
deeper reflection on how the year has been, it was not what many people planned
or wanted, but despite this, we all happened to make it till today. That’s a
big reason to be thankful. While celebrating the season, let us do well to
remember the less privileged amongst us, check in on our loved ones, maintain
social distancing and enjoy the season in a reasonable and safe way. There are
still many more Christmas to be celebrated, but we have to celebrate the season
wisely in order to help lessen the spread of Covid-19. We may not be totally
able to stay indoors, but while out comply with all safety measures.

Despite the negatives of the year,
there are still many reason to celebrate. Celebrate all your small wins while
waiting for the big ones to happen. Think through-from January to December
there have been victories you may consider irrelevant which you should
celebrate, others may just be working on attaining that your “small victory”.

again, it’s a celebration season, don’t over think it, be happy, be thankful
and be contented. Merry Xmas!

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