A word in season

The best way to know if you are good in any
activity is to try out that activity. Not trying at all or simply giving up
after few attempts will not give you the proper premise to conclude that you
are not good in something. This applies literally to any endeavour we want to
pursue in life.

I understand that there are some skills that
comes naturally to people, but this does not obviate the place of learning. Practice
makes perfect, so devote your time to acquiring skills that interests you, don’t
just start and stop any activity you have embarked on simply because it seems difficult
to grasp. Such mind set does not guarantee you anything except repeated
abandoned projects. It is not bad to try and fail, it is only bad when you have
refused to try at all or given up after several “failures”. Check some of those
“failures,” it is possible that you are not doing something right. You only succeed
in life when you learn how to convert the bad situations around you to stepping
stones for greater heights.  It is okay
to be confused about how to start or when to start an activity, don’t just be
in that phase for a long time. Get help if necessary, consult experts if it is paramount
to what you want to do, get funding if such is needed. 

In summary, do not allow any undesirable factor
limit your imagination or zeal to do what is required of you to achieve the
result you desire. Pursue what is worth doing, give it your best shot. Try to
reward yourself for crossing small milestones, this may be the energizer you need
to continue on your path. Remember, that result you desire requires a process,
sometimes this process takes time. So exercise patience and allow that work or
project take its natural course.

Have a fulfilling day!

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