
Live life freely, unburdened and unbothered about certain things. It is important to do this because life is generally filled with burdensome experiences. If we react as all negative happenings around us requires us to react we will all loose our sanity and this can lead to depression. 

It is the month of August, a holiday month, a really good time to unwind. Unfortunately, some people do not understand the power of rest. They fail to understand why the body needs to detoxify. Rest puts your mind at ease. You are better prepared to process new information and respond accordingly when your body and soul have rested. To unwind you don’t need to go for an expensive vacation, you can stay at home to get your needed rest or you can travel to new locations in your environment that offers you the kind of attraction you seek. Stop trying to be a workaholic, there is no award for the most workaholic person of the year, if there is such an award it would rather go to the most productive person of the year. Having rested, your mind is energized and better positioned to be more productive . 

To unwind, you need to consciously clear your mind of all its “troubles”, you can always attend to them later as long as they are not urgent. You also need to develop a good approach to problems, in such way they do not appear as burden to you, rather you see them as one of those things can happen once you are in this side of the divide.

It’s a good day to plan your “rest season”, if you have not planned one already, do so.

Have a good week!

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