Eyes on the mark!

Sometimes there are great lessons to be learned
from mistakes. Generally, nobody wants to make mistakes; we all want to do
things correctly and on time with good feedback. 
We do not want any type of
hitches along the way of any work we have set out to do. People appreciate
compliments and praises for works that they did well. So, imagine preparing so well for a
task, an exam, or even something else, then you realize when it’s already too
late that you made an error that will impact the general result of that task. Imagine
this feeling for just some seconds. I know it’s not a good one, but sometimes
in life, we do have to experience this maybe to teach us lessons we may not
otherwise have learned if not for that incident.

Brace up! There is no manual on how to
live this life. If there was one, no one would ever make any mistake. Mistakes are part of life, we just try to be diligent to minimize the errors. Some of these errors may be from a third party but which will still have an overall effect on your output. To be successful, you have to leave room for lessons, without these lessons you may not achieve “success”. Every achiever knows this, so have it at the back of your mind that mistakes are not death sentence, if it happens, learn the lesson from that experience and move on. If you keep lamenting over a past action, you are draining the energy required for today thereby jeopardizing tomorrow’s outcome. 

Plan for your future, both the short-term and long-term ones. By all means, follow those plans, but be attentive to know when it is necessary to change your direction. Changing your direction does not mean you have left your plan, it simply means you have discovered a better way to reach your goal. Focus on the goal, the path to the goal can always change depending on what you see.

It’s a new week, keep your eyes on your target, be bold, make that tough decision today do not postpone it!

Have a good day!

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