Count your blessings

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Being thankful for what we have opens us up to opportunities to have more. You may not understand the blessing of having someone or your loved ones check up on you regularly until you meet someone who does not have such relationships. Sometimes, it may feel like these persons are prying when they try to figure out what is happening in your life at that moment. The gift of family/friends is in knowing that while they pry into our matters, disturb or just not know when to stop, they will always be the first to hold us down when the chips are down. So, value family and true friendships, and tolerate those slight inconveniences, as it might be a small price to pay for such genuine relationships. Of course, this is not saying you shouldn’t speak up when some boundaries are crossed, this is just saying you shouldn’t throw away the baby with the bathing water.

Be thankful for your blessings, the opportunities you have, the experiences you have, and just for the things you consider small; look around you, that may just be another person’s prayer. You may be unsatisfied with some things in your life, or you may be gearing up to add another feather to your cap, do not in the bid to get “more” fail to appreciate the opportunities or blessings life has offered you. Therefore, when the thoughts of your future or the next step get overwhelming, remember to take a deep breath and remember all you have surmounted and achieved, the struggle to get where you are now, and how they were formerly your target, remember all these and be thankful for where you are now. Where you are is not the final destination, but it’s definitely something and an upward movement towards achieving the goal you want, so be thankful for it.

When you develop a cheerful disposition to life, you invariably conquer almost half of your life’s problems. So, today, think back and count your blessings, you may be surprised at all you have!

Have a blessed week!

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