Starting a new venture can be challenging, because even though you have done your research, your diligence etc., there is still a possibility that something you did not plan for may happen. This may be due to insufficient information at your disposal during your planning stage or maybe because you did not properly conduct your investigations before starting. Be that as it may, when faced with challenges, especially in the course of an important venture, the first thing to do is to identify the cause of the problem and then find the solutions to this problem. This is not the time to apportion blame or engage in self-destructive regrets. No, you have a small challenge, and you have to face it head-on in the most constructive way possible, which is to find creative solutions and ensure that that endeavour doesn’t suffer setbacks or fail outrightly. (You can view the video version of this here- https://youtu.be/Rz2mlQsM1LM?si=PbCtNI8vqjIhyN7X)
Speaking with a trusted person about the challenges you are facing can be a good one if such discussion gives you an insight on what to do or even if not an advice or solution to the problem, if such discussion relives you of the stress or tension from that challenge. Life is always better or more enjoyable if you have the right people with you, who genuinely care and are always there for you.
One of the biggest deciding factors in the success or otherwise of any venture you go into is the team or people you have around you. This people can be central to the project, so if you don’t have the right people with you, your success rate automatically reduces by certain percentages. So, the question is do you prefer to blame this wrong team around you or do you prefer having a solution to your problem. Your answer to this would determine your action. Remember people don’t care about what went or did not go wrong, people care about the final result. Determine today to make your mantra-I will get results, irrespective of whatever may happen along my way. Its results against blames and excuses!
Have a good week!