It is not easy to start and complete some major tasks. In between the start of the work and the actual completed tasks are disappointments, errors, stalemates, and other discouragements. So, do not give up! Whatever you have set your mind to do, do it with all diligence and care. Expect difficulties, and sometimes disappointments, they are just part of life. Though no one prays to encounter them, they are not bad. They just test your resolve to do what you have set out to do.
One of the ways to keep going when you feel like giving up is to remember why you started in the first place. Let those reasons fuel your resolve to persist when the road becomes too tough. Remember tough times don’t last, tough people do! It is ok to feel lethargic when carrying out some tasks, it may be as a result of stress, or improper planning. When this happens, investigate the root cause of your feelings; if its stress related, take a short break, if it is due to improper planning, take a break, go back to your drawing board, and get things right. The point is to keep moving, even if it means taking a break and re-strategizing, ensure you achieve your goals despite the distractions that may come your way.
Read books about people who have done exactly what you want to do and learn from their experiences. Remember your ideas are unique, no person including your predecessors would think exactly like you, so feel free to learn from the resources available to you and let your works have that stamp of originality.
Be amenable to change, what you think you know may change in the light of new developments and discoveries. Let your focus be on that goal, the process to achieve this may differ and can always change, make sure to keep this in mind!
Have a good week!